![]() I have been talking about Racism since my 8th grade American History school teacher and my mentor Rutledge Henry Pearson, in addition to teaching us an INCLUSIVE American History which included contributions by Blacks instead of the Incomplete, Dishonest, and Racist American History, invited me and my classmates to join the Youth Council NAACP. He would tell us in the classroom…” If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.” Mr. Pearson was the Youth Council adviser. I was 11 years old. Mr. Pearson started me on two roads…fighting Racism and Understanding the Great Legacy of Black History. He wanted to make sure that we were armed with the tools to fight a country that did not want US HERE---even though they kidnapped us from OUR country to bring US HERE. SLAVERY-a means to an obscenely wealthy end as an evil Christian American Racist Institution. He wanted us to understand that from Slavery, America did not GIVE US anything…WE rightfully EARNED the citizenship that America did not want to give us. And he wanted US to be proud of who we were and to know and appreciate the great legacy of those Black males and females who blazed paths of accomplishments, through the Jungle of Racism. He taught us and taught us well. And for that, I am eternally grateful. That was 67 years ago. What is remarkable in the battle against Racism over the years is that very little has changed. We see what is happening in the streets by police and the deafening silence by larger White America. WE see the racist intent to keep Blacks from voting. The problem is White America does not fundamentally respect Black America. We are still PROPERTY. Oh…White America will tolerate us…on the football field…on the basketball court…on other athletic fields...on the performing stage…on the TV screen…on the movie screen…but sincere respect, not so much. Their crusade to keep us from voting says it all. We have made some “strides” ---I do not call it progress—I will leave it to others to call it progress. Some even think Blacks have arrived. I don't. But those who do, feel so because we can go where we want to go, for the most part, drive what we want to drive, be with who we want to be with, sleep with who we want to sleep with, and all in this societal culture clashing phenomenon called Integration. Some Black folks-aka BENT-BACK-take those "crumbs" as having "arrived." I still don't. White America does not respect our history. White America does not respect our struggle. White America does not respect how much Black America has achieved in spite of, really White America's Racism. And why you ask? Because the lack of respect and the stumbling blocks for Black America have been carefully placed there by White America. The lack of respect by White police, militia patrols in the Black community is obvious, but that disrespect extends to White elected officials, White Christians, White Educators, White judges, White prosecutors...you get my drift...and are part and parcel of the larger vista of how White America sees and deals with Blacks in America. It does not mean that Blacks are so readily accepted; it simply means that White America has a higher level of toleration for Black folks…NOT RESPECT… TOLERATION. In part because it is politically, economically, and socially expedient to do so and because it makes good financial sense to the White Big Boys. The Black community generates billions of dollars every year and the White Big Boys are always standing ready to reap this financial windfall. It does not mean you are highly respected; it just means you are a means to an end…and that end is lining their pockets with your money. Unless and until White America understands and RESPECTS US, we will continue to see Blacks killed by police for reasons that do not approach the need for an arrest, let alone deadly force. And now, they have created ANOTHER Racist Bogeyman to hide behind called Critical Racist Theory, which most Whites cannot describe or define. It is also fear which inflames the core racist attitudes in White America. A fear that Noah Chomsky says, "Whites have internalized that when Blacks get numbers, they will do the same thing to Whites that Whites have done to Blacks since the founding of this country. We will continue to see White elected officials CONTINUALLY disrespect Black voters because they are Black. We will continue to see distasteful caricatures of Blacks in roles on TV and in the movies because it pleases Whites to laugh at us while we are ignorantly laughing at ourselves. DISRESPECT. Until Respect is at hand for Black America, we will continue to see these scenarios played out in the streets and on FOX and CNN and NBC and CBS and ABC and MSNBC etc etc etc and those racist local newscasts by insignificant Black and White minions called local news reporters but doing the bidding of White news and TV administrators who only see ratings and profit for their stakeholders. We need to learn to withhold our money from Racist White America, withhold our votes from Racist White elected officials, stop watching racist TV shows, don't pay to see the racist movies, and don’t allow White elected officials with their LIES to rush to our Black pulpits. WE need to tell our preachers we do not want the Liars in our church and if they do not get the message, JUST LEAVE. The most ridiculous thing I hear from Black folks is, “The Black Church should not be political. I come to church to hear the word.” Clueless Black folks who call themselves Christians, yet they are not prepared to work and sacrifice and fight for who they are and even whose they are, and they incredulously hide behind the Christian Cross. They really need Black Bible Study…not just Bible study …but Black Bible Study. And then America Elects a Loser Racist White president and continues to kneel at his Loser former presidential racist throne even after he is unceremoniously dismissed. Enough Said. We MUST continue to fight and demonstrate and strategize and vote and figure the different ways to MAKE America Respect us. Every Civil Rights demonstration is an indication that things are not right, and they will never be right until WE can also say “Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” and know those words apply to US. It is not easy. Fighting the War of Racism is not easy and has never been easy. Yet it is a fight and a war for which we must continually declare. As Mr. Pearson would say, "If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem." Forget that...and WE PERISH AS A PEOPLE."
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