![]() ONCE AGAIN, WE DEAL WITH THE IMPERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES TO WHITE AMERICA…BUT VERY PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES TO BLACK AMERICA…OF GEORGE FLOYD, ANOTHER BLACK MAN MURDERED BY THE POLICE. It is impersonal to White America because Whites do not have to deal with the dangers of racist policemen killing White males. Never have…Never will. White mothers and fathers do not have to talk with their White sons about the police, like Black mothers and fathers must talk with their Black sons about the police. White mothers and fathers do not have to dread that late-night telephone call about their White sons, like Black mothers and fathers have to dread that late-night telephone call about their Black sons. White mothers and fathers do not have to talk with their White sons about Black folks calling the police on them, like Black mothers and fathers must talk with their Black sons about White folks calling the police on them. Understand White America, police do not protect Black folks. Police protect You. It is your police department…mostly White…mostly racist…mostly not giving a damn about “that criminal element on the other side of town.” You have this reasonable sense of security because you know the White police force in the Black community…also called Occupation troops…will “keep the savages –‘the others’--away from you.” You are upset because we tell you that you are racist with countless daily examples, and your response is, you do not have a racist bone in my body. You do not even know how racist you are, and you created racism. You do not see the racist police problem because the Racist attitudes on the part of the White police department is really a microcosm of you. You are Racist and the Racist police are your clones. No you do not wear a robe and a hood…and Nigger might not be a part of your lexicon, but “urban” and “lazy” and “low-income” and “welfare” and “free lunch” and “service workers” and your silence fill your racist voids. White police do not deal with White folks the same way…not even when they are White violent so-called demonstrators or even White murderers of Blacks. We saw that up close and personal during the “open up” demonstration or whatever the hell they were. White folks with guns, were all up in the faces of White police ...spitting in their faces....and the police said nothing, and did nothing. No arrests…no choke holds…no knees on the neck and head…no bullets fired at fleeing White folks…no handcuffing…no deaths…no nothing. And need I mention the name of Dylan Roof and his infamous Burger King trip? George Floyd is simply another Black male murdered by White police. He joins a painfully long list. It is a ho hum affair for you, and yet, it is indicative of the pathology of Murderous and Racist Christian White America, and its personal armed security guards, aka police. The Struggle Continues!
"NO STORY, Movie or Documentary changes the fact the Enemy Government called the Confederacy, fought the Civil War to overthrow the United States of America and maintain Slavery. 11 states initially and 13 states ultimately, seceded from the United States of America and created the Confederacy government. The reason they seceded according to their secessionist papers..."Slavery!"
There is NOTHING heroic and noteworthy about any person who supported the Racist South/Confederacy. Racist Slavery supporter and a South sympathizer, United States president Andrew Johnson is a prime example. He gave all of the Confederacy treasonists...President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee, and all soldiers... a "blanket amnesty." They all should have been tried for treason, and executed for trying to overthrow the United States of America. There was no Southern Heritage, no matter what White Southerners proclaim, other than the violent Racist, Free Labor American Christian Institution called Slavery. Slavery " birthed' White American Christian Racism. Every time I hear a Southerner say, "Confederate Memorials and Monuments represent my Southern Heritage," I hear another Lying Racist." The Struggle Continues! Borrowing some words from John Pavlovitz and adding a few of my own...
The only reason left to still support this President, is that he reflects your hateful heart; shares your contempt of Black people and Brown people, your hostility toward outsiders, your toxic misogyny, your ignorant evil bigotry, and your feeling of White supremacy. You are a Racist. You are simply voting for and supporting another Racist, in presidential clothing. Here we are in America, the so-called Christian Moral leader of the world, trying to gauge if this Christian Moral country, will re-elect a Racist and an Immoral president named donald trump.
No one asks aloud why Christian Moral America, elected a Racist and Immoral president in the first place, just like no one asks how Christian Moral America was ever thought to be the Moral leader of the world. That is, until you realize, Christian Moral America anointed itself the Moral leader of the world. It was a lie when the self-anointing first took place. Christian America is a lot of things. Racist is decidedly One of those things, but Moral is decidedly Not One. Not even close. FYI,.....
A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses aren't dangerous. In early 2020, after a December 2019 outbreak in China, the World Health Organization identified SARS-CoV-2 as a new type of coronavirus. It can affect your upper respiratory tract (sinuses, nose, and throat) or lower respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs). It spreads the same way other coronaviruses do, mainly through person-to-person contact. And the rest is history. COVID-19...'CO' stands for 'corona,' ...'VI' for 'virus,' and ...'D' for disease. 19 is for the year discovered. At a recent Conoravirus pandemic press briefing aka donald trump's wannabe campaign rally...
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it." "He continued , "Supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you Dr. Birx, said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued. “The disinfectant bleach and Lysol knocks it out in a minute. One minute,” he said. “Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside?” He said it would be “almost a cleaning. It gets in the lungs and does a tremendous number on the lungs.” Just a Terminally Ignorant president...PERIOD! HOW INSULTING, YET RACISTLY APPROPRIATE, for racist-in-chief, donald trump, a 5-deferment, draft dodging incompetent president... to go to Fort McHenry to "commemorate" Memorial Day... while the racist National anthem, written by Francis Scott Key, Racist slave owner, and an American Lieutenant during the War of 1812, plays in the background.
Francis Scott Key, born to massive slave holding wealth in Maryland, was one of the richest men in America. After becoming a Lieutenant in the War of 1812, Key led a battle against the Colonial Marines—a battalion of enslaved Blacks, and “freed” Blacks---created by the British Army, to fight with them against America in the War of 1812. Why join the British? To get freedom. America had brutally enslaved Africans/Blacks for almost 200 years in this Christian Racist country called America since 1619, and freedom was nowhere in sight. I would have fought with anyone, against you, as my oppressor. By the way, The Colonial Marines won the battle against Key and his men, whipping their asses quite handily. Francis Scott Key was an open racist. Nothing heroic about him, no matter what White American historians say and write. He put his racism into words and actions. Key said that African Americans were “a distinct and inferior race of people.” Of course, he thought that: He came from a long line of slave owners. His family got wealthy off buying, selling, trading, and breeding Blacks while working Black human beings to death. Didn’t help his ego to take such a woodshed beating. When reading the 3rd verse of the national anthem(?), note how Key references the “foul footstep’s” of the “hireling and slave” who “no refuge could save” from “the gloom of the grave” in the third verse of the Star Spangled Banner, he’s referring to the killing of Colonial Marines. As noted by The Root political editor Jason Johnson, “The Star-Spangled Banner is as much a patriotic song as it is a diss track to Black people who had the audacity to fight for their freedom.” The Star Spangled Banner is a Racist National Anthem and has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with war! As a veteran, add me to the list of those who call the American flag racist …the “Star Spangled Banner” Racist …and Francis Scott Key, the writer of the “Star Spangled Banner” racist, on THIS Memorial Day. It is very appropriate for donald trump, America's racist president to join this list. The Struggle Continues! LISTEN BLACK FOLKS...NO WHITE CANDIDATE MEASURES UP TO WHAT I WOULD WANT, BUT I KNOW I AM NOT GOING TO GET THAT. Yesterday, donald trump, America’s Racist-in-chief glorified Henry Ford, when he visited Michigan. Henry Ford, who started the Ford Motor Company and is considered an iconic historical figure, hated Jews and hated Blacks---a veritable Racist Anti-Semite or an Anti-Semitic Racist...take your pick. I did not hear a word from the Black experts in the peanut gallery, or the White so-called “liberals and progressives.”
Yesterday Joe Biden said, “Blacks aren’t Black, if they are considering voting for trump,” which I consider a true statement. Some Blacks took issue with that, and Biden later apologized. Now your garden variety Bent Back trump supporting Negroes are all over FOX decrying Joe Biden’s “Racist Words" -they would not know a racist word-while they are supporting one of the most incompetent Racists in the history of this country. To those Blacks I have two words... Bull Shit. And a few additional words, “BLACKS AREN’T BLACK, IF THEY ARE CONSIDERING VOTING FOR TRUMP.” Yes, the exact words Joe Biden used. So, Sue Me! And the press who took more than three years to call donald trump a liar...and even longer to call him a racist...thinks this is a story. donald trump is a racist, and has been for a while, that, is your story. I tire of ...NO I get pissed at...Blacks who get "upset" because White folks do not answer the way they want him or her to answer. I do not expect Whites...no matter the office...to articulate issues about Race and Racism like I would. I do not need a White elected official who KNOWS ALL the Black problems, and who knows how I feel. Whites do not know how I feel because they have not walked the perfunctory mile in my shoes. Don't ever come to my community trying to be as Black as me. Joe did not do that. He tried to point out the obvious by recognizing donald trump as the dyed-in-the-wool Racist he is. Inarticulate or not, Joe Biden spoke the truth. I want a White candidate to listen...to be fair...and not be an expert on ME. Ask me what I think, I will tell you. Obvious WE can spot a Racist--can you say donald trump? And we can also spot a so-called White liberal/progressive in name only...there are too many. But we can also spot a White person who will listen...and I feel Joe Biden will listen. Let's not lose sight of the fact he served under President Obama for 8 years. He has made mistakes. Show me a White elected official who has not made mistakes, when it comes to US. My comments are not intended to defend anything Joe Biden has done past and present. But that is why we vote for White folks—when we really do not have a choice--and we educate them, and we vote some more. Many Black folks who could not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 voted for Russian Imp Jill Stein, and maybe even voted for the Ignorant one, and you see where that got you. Save me the holier than thou political Righteousness. NO White elected official is a savior FOR US. Black America is still voting for the lesser of evils ...and in this election, the choice is between a Racist and one who will listen. No other question. The Struggle Continues! THE IMBECILIC INCOMPETENT NINCOMPOOP, whom some call president, and who recommended "shooting up" Clorox to fight the Coronavirus, had the unmitigated gall today to call President Obama "grossly incompetent." It is an example of a White male president with a fragile racist ego who shudders at the thought that his Black predecessor is held in much higher esteem than he, and is still thought of as a Helluva President.
trump cannot handle the fact President Obama's approval numbers are head and shoulders above his at every comparison of their administrations. donald trump, even with his narcissistic personality disorder, is fully aware he does not measure up to Barack Obama. What donald trump does have is "his White skin" and his White privilege. That got him elected, along with Putin and voter suppression, but "they" cannot help him administer to and lead 330 million Americans, which trump has proven he cannot do. You can truthfully describe donald trump as a cowardly wimp. Oh he can try and dismiss 90,000 dead Americans because of the Coronavirus, and who he helped to " sacrifice" because of his pathetic ineptness, all he wants! And he can try, as this moronic president has tried, to obfuscate, distract, deflect, and lie all he wants...but the facts are, donald trump has failed the American people miserably by showing not one iota of leadership skills...not one iota of competent decision-making... not one iota of compassion...and not one iota of empathy for the families of dead Americans, who are dead through no fault of their own. donald trump is a woeful and reprehensible disgrace to this country, and to the American people who look to the American Presidency during a time of national crisis. He can only offer his Racism and his White skin. However, as we have seen, they are simply not enough...and he has NOTHING else! |
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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