president donald trump recently lashed out after Princeton University recently removed former president Woodrow Wilson’s name from its public policy school.
The school cited Wilson’s “racist thinking and policies” in its decision. “Can anyone believe that Princeton just dropped the name of Woodrow Wilson from their highly respected policy center,” trump wrote on Twitter. “Now the Do Nothing Democrats want to take off the name John Wayne from an airport,” he continued, referring to Orange County Democrats who want to change the name of John Wayne Airport after a video of “racist and bigoted statements” Wayne made in a 1971 interview saying that he “believes” in white supremacy resurfaced. “Incredible stupidity!” America’s White-supremacy-loving, Racist president added. So, let’s talk about Woodrow Wilson. We’ll get to John Wayne at another time. When Woodrow Wilson was president of Princeton University, No Black students were admitted. Black students were admitted before Wilson was president, and were admitted after he was president, but not while he was president. Woodrow Wilson, who won both the 1912 and 1916 presidential elections, is often held up as an example of a “progressive” President, but many consider him to have been a Racist in presidential clothing. To win the African American vote, Wilson made the campaign promise that he could be counted on “for absolute fair dealing, for everything by which I could assist in advancing the interests of [the African] race in the United States.” But following Wilson’s election, his first Congress sent him some of the most racist legislation in the history of that body, and Wilson promptly signed it. Having said during his campaign that he would improve the conditions of Blacks in the country, President Wilson, after he was elected, did nothing to make good on his campaign promises. In fact, he acted to re-segregate the federal workplace. Following the Civil War, Blacks had been employed in various federal jobs in Washington, D.C., and often the offices they worked in were integrated; in many departments, White clerks worked under Black supervision. Wilson’s Cabinet put an end to that, and in fact ended Blacks having access to federal jobs. Moreover, his Administration made it mandatory to include a photograph with any application for a federal position, which further facilitated the exclusion of Blacks from government jobs. President Wilson allowed officials to segregate work areas of their departments, even segregating the lavatories. One reason given was that White government workers had to be protected from various contagious diseases, particularly venereal diseases, which Wilson claimed were widespread among Blacks. Wilson claimed that segregation was an act of kindness. He actively supported racist legislation, such as a bill passed by the House of Representatives that made interracial marriages a felony in Washington, D.C. President Wilson pushed for segregation of federal workers, systematically demoted Black civil servants, and claimed that nothing could be done to improve the situation of Blacks in the country. Wilson defended segregation as “what was best” to manage racial tensions and suggested that the Jim Crow system “not done to injure or humiliate the colored clerks, but to avoid friction.” On February 8, 1915, two years into Wilson’s presidency, D. W. Griffith’s silent film celebrating the rise of the Ku Klux Klan had its premiere in Los Angeles at Clune’s Auditorium. The Birth of a Nation is an unconscionably racist film of epic proportions, and President Woodrow Wilson was one of its most outspoken fans. This reprehensible movie portrays the so-called “overthrow” by the Ku Klux Klan of Reconstruction in the South. Griffith had White actors in blackface portray Black characters as savages, and characterized Klan members as brave, courageous, and patriotic. D. W. Griffith’s movie showed Jesus Christ blessing the founding of the Ku Klux Klan. After seeing the film, an enthusiastic Wilson reportedly remarked, “It is like writing history with lightning, and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.” It is far more accurate to understand Woodrow Wilson’s two terms leading this country as an eight-year era of Presidential racism. The Birth of a Nation accomplished exactly what it was intended to. With the wholehearted support of President Wilson, it inflamed the racist attitudes of White America against Blacks in this country and helped popularize the second incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan, which gained its greatest power and influence in the mid-1920s. Woodrow Wilson like donald trump…two racists in presidential clothing. The Struggle Continues!
President Andrew Jackson is responsible for more Native American Indian deaths than any other person in American history. In fact, American Indians call him a killer. The same slave-owning Andrew Jackson, the 7th president of the United States, for whom Jacksonville was named... the same Andrew Jackson whose statue, protesters are trying to topple in Washington DC...and the same Andrew Jackson, the current Racist in presidential clothing, calls one of his heroes.
DURING THE AMERICAN HOLOCAUST CALLED SLAVERY, TWELVE OF AMERICA'S FIRST 18 PRESIDENTS "OWNED" ENSLAVED PERSONS, and 8 of those 12 "owned" enslaved persons while in the White House. They were not the only presidents in Racist clothing. The list is extensive. Add James Polk, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt. And the list does not end there. Just like the Racist donald trump mirrors Racist America now, many presidents mirrored Racist America when they were elected. Yet White historians paint these Racist presidents as demi-gods.
Of particular note, the New York Museum of Natural History will remove the Theodore Roosevelt statue at its entrance because "it explicitly depicts Black and Indigenous people as subjugated and racially inferior" which is how Theodore Roosevelt personally and politically felt about Blacks and American Indians. After centuries, the cover is slowly being removed from an Incomplete, Dishonest, and Racist American history. Which is why you continue to fight and call out the Christian American Institution of Racism no matter how long it takes. The Struggle Continues! NO MATTER HOW THEY TRY, if they try, White reporters simply do not have the insight and the understanding to report on Black protest demonstrations. They still do not understand "Black Lives Matter." They do not understand police brutality against Blacks. Somehow, it is always our fault. They will not report on White violence on Blacks. Constitutional Freedom of Assembly without restrictions only apply to Whites. Constitutional Freedom of Assembly for Blacks come with restrictions and conditions. Many newsrooms unfortunately do not have the Black reporters to "teach" their White colleagues what they do not know, and to give them a Black frame of reference.
This is not new. We saw the same thing during the Civil Rights Movement. In fact it is the height of White Privilege and White Arrogance, and that "White expert on me" thing, for White reporters to think they understand Black protest demonstrations, and can fairly report on those demonstrations. White reporters simply do not any level. The Struggle Continues! ![]() MEMO TO CONFEDERATE/CONFEDERACY/RACISM SUPPORTERS...LET'S SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT, AGAIN. “The Lost Cause” is THE MYTH that describes YOUR Confederate cause as a so-called heroic one against great odds despite YOUR defeat. YOU viewed the American Civil War as an honorable struggle for the Southern way of life while minimizing or denying the central role of slavery. When your ANCESTORS in the 19th century spoke of the "southern way of life," they referred to a way of life founded on white supremacy and supported by the White Christian Institution of Slavery. You can try to rewrite history as much as you like, but Lying today does not change the truth, and Lying does not make it so. YOUR Lost Cause portrayed the South as more adherent to Christian values than the allegedly greedy North. It portrayed slavery as more benevolent than cruel, alleging that it taught Christianity and "civilization." YOU used the Christian church to justify NOT considering African and African Americans as humans, and the Christian church obliged you. You and the White Christian church considered enslaved Africans as property and not humans, solely based on the color of their skin. Stories of "happy slaves" were often used as propaganda to defend slavery. Many times, they also portrayed slave owners were kind to their slaves. You argue that slavery was not the main cause of the Civil War. To reach this conclusion, you deny and minimize the wartime writings and speeches of Confederate leaders in favor of postwar views. Yet in the Secessionist Papers of EVERY state that seceded, they listed “SLAVERY’ as the reason for leaving the United States of America. It also means YOUR monuments to the Confederacy and to Confederate War Criminals are monuments to Slavery and monuments to YOUR LIES! The Cornerstone Speech, also known as the Cornerstone Address, was an oration delivered by YOUR Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861. Stephens' speech applauded white supremacy, defended the enslavement of Africans and African Americans, explained the fundamental differences between the constitutions of the Confederacy and that of the United States, enumerated contrasts between U.S. and Confederate ideologies and beliefs, and laid out the Confederacy's causes for declaring secession. It is remembered mainly as evidence then and now that the "cornerstone" or true foundation of the Confederacy was slavery. YOUR terminology of Lost Cause is laughable. Bottom line...YOUR Confederacy was an enemy government which was formed to overthrow the United States of America to support Slavery. THE CIVIL WAR WAS FOUGHT TO SUPPORT SLAVERY...END OF STORY!!! ALL YOUR ancestors who fought for and supported the Confederacy were Racist Treasonous War Criminals. As a card-carrying Racist, when donald trump says, “Make America Great Again” there is no doubt that he is talking about the same ISSUES today that YOUR ancestors talked about when they seceded from the United States of America and fought a war in support of Slavery and Racism. Enslave and Keep the Blacks in their place...THEN AND NOW! The Struggle Continues! ![]() WE WILL COMMEMORATE THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE JACKSONVILLE YOUTH COUNCIL NAACP 1960 SIT-INS AND AX HANDLE SATURDAY ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 AT 12 NOON IN HEMMING PARK---NO MATTER WHO COMES TO TOWN. This 60th Anniversary Commemoration is sponsored by the NAACP, the Center for Urban Education and Policy, Leadership Is For Everyone Inc. (LIFE), and a host of other individuals and companies. Expect weekly updates. White lunch counters were visible vestiges of segregation and racism. Today it might seem passive, but 60 years ago, it was an unheard-of confrontation to the White racist comfort zone of segregation and privilege in Jacksonville, and many Whites responded violently in Jacksonville. White Department stores in downtown Jacksonville insulted Black shoppers daily by wanting them to spend their money, but only where the stores wanted Black shoppers to spend their money. One of the many places White stores did not want Blacks to spend money was at the White lunch counters. We said that was an insult. We did not sit in because we wanted to eat a hot dog and a coke. We sat in to dramatize our opposition to segregation and Racism and for our Human Dignity and Respect. After demonstrating for two weeks against the racism of downtown stores, members of the Jacksonville Youth Council NAACP* were attacked by 200 White Racist thugs with ax handles and baseball bats on August 27, 2020, Ax Handle Saturday. They also attacked anyone in downtown Jacksonville with a Black hue of skin. There were no police around to “protect and serve” and the White press of Jacksonville “whited out” news of the sit-ins. Thank God for the Black press who did cover the sit-ins and Ax Handle Saturday in Jacksonville as they did other demonstrations throughout the Civil Rights Movement. *(The Jacksonville Youth Council NAACP was comprised of mostly high school students in Jacksonville from the Black segregated high schools-Matthew W. Gilbert Junior Senior high school on the East side or “out East” as we used to say; New Stanton high school on the West side; Douglas Anderson Junior Senior high school on the South side; and Northwestern Junior Senior high school [my Alma Mater] on the North side. I had the honor of serving as the Jacksonville Youth Council NAACP President. Mr. Rutledge Henry Pearson was the Youth Council adviser.) |
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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