![]() I am Thankful on this Thanksgiving Day ...and even though White American History books and White historians LIE about THE FIRST Thanksgiving et al, I am still Thankful. I am Thankful for Family and Friends and Relationships and Experiences and Life. I am Thankful for THE Great Legacy of those who looked like me and who came before me "Blazing" the paths to let me know Who I Am. I am not Thankful for the Insidious Racism that permeates this country based on the color of one’s skin. I am not Thankful that as a Black person I must fight Racism from sun-up to sundown every day I live and breathe. I am not Thankful for Whites in this country who disingenuously deny Racism exists when this country was founded on Racism. I am not Thankful for those who lost their lives because they were Breathing While Black. I am not Thankful for the Core Racist Attitudes of Racist White Americans who elected a White Racist president and who are determined to elect another White Racist president. I am not Thankful for those in White America who expect me to hold the United States Constitution Sacred, when they do not hold the United States Constitution Sacred themselves. I am not Thankful for the daily Disrespect shown by White America to me and those who look like me because the hue of our skin is Black. I am not Thankful that America is determined to Make America Great Again by Making America White Again. I am Thankful for those of us who Fight America's Insidious Racism which permeates this country, based on the color of My Black skin. I am Thankful that contrary to popular belief, White America did not give Black America anything... that we earned our citizenship, developing goods and services...inventing material "things" that benefited this country...and working for...fighting for...and dying for this country...in World Wars abroad...and the Racist Wars at home. I am Thankful that even with the Hypocrisy of Racist White America, they cannot, and they will not Break the Spirit of those Blacks who are determined that America “make good” on the “IOU” promised Black America since Slavery. I am Thankful some of us...not all of us...but some of us still have the Strength and the Will to Fight the Pathology of White American Racism. The Struggle Continues!
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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