I get disgusted EVERYDAY watching the news and YOUR new found "conscience" when the pathology of YOUR bigotry and the pathology YOUR Racism are "discovered."
YOU act as if Racism against Asians... just like YOU act as if Racism against Blacks...is something new. It is NOT. YOU recoil in horror with news a White Racist murderer "gunned down" Asian citizens. YOU did the EXACT same thing when a White Racist murderer "gunned down" 9 Black worshippers in church. This country was founded on YOUR Racism and YOUR Racist acts of violence and murder which happen everyday in this Racist country. These acts are aided and abetted by White Racist elected officials... who are aided and abetted by a White Racist media which refused to report on a White Racist president who facilitated White Racism from the White House and refuses to report on the continuing Racist atmosphere he "cultivated." Unity...Togetherness ... Healing... and PROGRESS cannot occur until... how about I let these words speak on this... "If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound. They won't even admit the knife is there." ---Malcolm X. The Struggle Continues!
As we approach Easter, the Holiest of Days in the Christian year and the Christian calendar, let us not lose sight of the fact the Bible, in addition to being a spiritual book, is also a history book, and historical accuracy and geographical fact should prevail, and not the usual myths found in many Western religions.
Notwithstanding what you have been taught, and what White Hollywood puts on TV and on the heretofore celluloid screen, remind and inform young Blacks and young Whites, and not-so-young Blacks and not-so-young Whites, the Bible takes place IN AND AROUND the Continent of Africa, and NOT Europe. Correspondingly, physical representations of the people who lived during that time and place, including Jesus, the Christ, should be properly reflected. Racism against Asians,
like Racism against Blacks, is as American as denying you are a Racist. I POSTED ON FACEBOOK, "YOU CANNOT USE JACKSONVILLE AND PROGRESSIVE IN THE SAME SENTENCE." Nothing is truer, for me. And as expected, I received “pro and con” comments from my Facebook Friends. From “I know many Progressives in Jacksonville” to “Jacksonville is not as bad as some other places I know” to “I could not disagree with you more.”
So, Lets unpack: 1) I did not post MY comments asking for your support or your blessings or your agreement. I could give less than a Tinker’s Damn if you agree with me that Jacksonville is NOT Progressive. 2) I do not work for the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, so it is not my responsibility to be a Jacksonville Cheerleader. 3) Jacksonville is still very much Racist and even with a Pro Football team. I see very few changes in that. 4) Jacksonville’s religious community both Black and White are as passive and non-threatening as other White folks and Black folks in the Jacksonville community, and they act as if they just found out Jesus Christ was crucified. I don’t know if some of them who believe in the Bible internalized that Jesus also arose from the dead. But that is how "un-engaged" they are with what is happening in Jacksonville. Speaking out against Racism and For Civil Rights ... Against Police Brutality and For Equality...Against the continued naming of OUR schools after treasonous and seditious Racists and for the advocacy of being a Real Christian...is Necessary---Just not From My Pulpit! But let someone give out "pennies" as offerings to FIGHT CRIME and they are the first ones in line with their hands out, as if they are law enforcement officers. 5) Many Blacks in Jacksonville who should know better, have taken a Go-Along-to-Get-Along posture as if speaking out against Injustice and Police Brutality and Racism will sour their “good” relationships with their White Friends. Not only is being "silent" a sign of complicity, but saying nothing will not make Racism disappear. 6) Jacksonville still refuses to have real conversations about Racism because those conversations make Whites in Jacksonville and Blacks in Jacksonville, Uncomfortable. Whites in Jacksonville ALWAYS want to tell me what THEY think is best for me. I call it “The White Expert on Black Folks Syndrome.” And they get their feelings hurt when I tell them to “Throw that stupid sh*t out of the window.” Then Black folks go along with the “White Experts” as if that is a way to make peace. White Experts, like White Privilege and White Racism is a White Arrogant Lifestyle which has permeated Jacksonville since time Immemorial. Fairness...Equality...and Civil Rights...are not even footnotes in Jacksonville’s history and its conversations. You have Blacks in Jacksonville who would dare say, “I know a LOT of White Progressives in Jacksonville." Well Whoop-De-Doo. You must keep them hidden. Jacksonville can join hands and sing... have prayer vigils... rally around art... go to luncheons and dinners ... have vague study circles about Racism...and visit each other's churches all you want...all a “contribution to Progressiveness," but if you think that is ALL that is necessary to call yourself a Progressive, you are only fooling Yourselves. Jacksonville is still Jacksonville...with its feet in 2021...and its head in the 1950’s and the 1960’s ... and IS STILL not Progressive. Jacksonville is the home of my birth and my late wife’s birth and my children's birth and my grandchildren's birth and my great grandchild's birth and many of my friends' place of birth. I went to school in Jacksonville...I attend church in Jacksonville and I fight Racism (and fought Racism) in Jacksonville. I reserve the right to Criticize Jacksonville Whenever I want and Wherever I want, until Jacksonville does better...and that is With or Without your help. And I certainly do not need your approval or blessings. BTW...IF you think Jacksonville IS NOT Racist, listen to the Robert E. Lee High School alumni as they spew Racist venom in their misplaced zeal to maintain the name of a treasonous-slave owning-Racist on a high school building. The Struggle Continues! During the process to change the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest High school in 2013, (in Jacksonville, Fl.) professor Lance Stoll and I were part of a 4 person panel discussion ( 2 persons in favor of keeping the name... and Lance and I in favor of changing the name) in the auditorium of Forrest, when Forrest Students voted ( after the panel discussion) to no longer have ---a Racist, a slave trader, a general fighting for an enemy government (the Confederacy) to overthrow the United States of America, the "Fort Pillow Butcher" (Forrest and his men murdered 300 Black United States soldiers under a flag of surrender during the war between the United States of America and the Confederacy), the founder of the Ku Klux Klan, and the First Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan--- on their school building.
Lance and I " laid out" (quite well, might I add) the Racism of this despicable despot who fought to overthrow the United States government to maintain Slavery...Not States rights...Not Southern heritage(?)...SLAVERY. Just as the Forrest student's had the final vote on changing the name of "their" school--- "Forrest" students voted 67%-33% to change the name--Robert E. Lee students should have the FINAL say NOW on Robert E. Lee --a Racist, a slave owner, who also killed Black United States troops under a flag of surrender during THAT war, and the lead general of the military of the same enemy government Nathan Bedford Forrest fought a war for...to maintain slavery, --and his name remaining on "their" school. Students at Lee, like the students at Forrest-NOW Westside High School-are prepared to vote... And their vote SHOULD BE THE ONLY VOTE! IF you support keeping the name of Robert E. Lee, YOU ARE A RACIST. PERIOD... END OF STORY. First let me thank ALL of you for the support you have given Rudy and my joint "intellectual property product." We did not previously give the full summary of the Reader Views book competition awards for "Never Forget Who You Are: Conversations About Racism and Identity Development." "Never Forget Who You Are: Conversations About Racism and Identity Development" also received the Reviewer's Choice Award as their Non-Fiction Book of the Year.
Again, we are very proud of the recognition of the book and the book's content. E books are available at Apple.com and Amazon.com. Hard cover is available at canonpressgroup.com. More soon. Thank You. I posted this 4 years ago. Racism and Racists DO NOT change. Understand Why White America MUST have power through voter suppression.
"POLITICS IS A WHITE POWER GAME. YOU WILL FIND THE PATHOLOGY OF WHITE RACISM AND WHITE SUPREMACY AND WHITE PRIVILEGE INTERSPERSED THROUGHOUT POLITICS WHEN IT COMES TO ISSUES THAT IMPACT BLACKS; BUT THOSE ISSUES ALSO HAVE UNCEREMONIOUS RACIST CODE WORDS. YOU CAN ALSO DISREGARD ANY NOTION THAT THE WHITE PRESS AND THEIR WHITE CORPORATE HEADS ARE OBJECTIVE WHEN IT COMES TO NEWS AND ISSUES THAT RESOLUTELY IMPACT BLACKS. Several members of the press have opined that the problem in Washington is that Democrats need to stop obstructing and being intransigent and start working with Donald Trump. Now at this juncture you need to ask several questions…1) Where was the mainstream media criticism of Republicants as they obstructed President Barack Obama for eight years? 2) WHY did Republicants obstruct President Obama for 8 years? 3) Why did Republicants VOTE to Repeal the Affordable Care Act 60 times? 4)What is to be gained by denying health care to the American people? 5) What is to be gained by working with an avowed Racist who has demeaned and denigrated healthcare in this country which coincidentally was introduced by and advocated for by THE Immediate Past President who was Black? 6) Why do Republicants identify health care as a “rich person’s privilege” and not as a right of your quality of life? 7) Why does the health care argument smack of racist overtones? Recently in an interview with Time magazine the Racist sitting in the Oval office doubling as “president” said to the interviewer… “Hey look, in the mean time, I guess, I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m president, and you’re not.” What he was really saying… I am White and with the pathology of my White Racism and my White Privilege and my White Supremacy, there is nothing you can do about it. Donald Trump explains his racism and the Pathology of his White Supremacy and White Privilege …as did other presidents going back to Nixon and Reagan…in Racist Code Talk. It was called the Southern Strategy. Let’s unpack some of the key racist code words and phrases, and components of this “strategy.“ ... "Inner City” which means a culture in which generations of people don't value work." *“States Rights”…sound totally innocent right? We first heard this from Barry Goldwater, who was running on a very unpopular platform critical of the Great Society Programs, during the 1964 presidential election. He makes the critical decision to use coded racial appeals taking advantage of rising racial anxiety in the face of the civil rights movement. In other words, while "states' rights" sound neutral, it translated into the right of states to resist federal mandates which includes social programs, education and health care. * “Cut taxes” are dog whistle code words which go back to Nixon and Reagan. It means "so your taxes won't be wasted on minorities." *“Law and Order”…These code words draw on an image of minorities as criminals. *“Welfare' and 'Food Stamps”'…Welfare was broadly supported during the President Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal era when it was understood that people could face hardships in their lives that sometimes required government assistance, and, in fact, was purposely limited to white recipients. In this context, it wasn't heavily stigmatized. Fast-forward to the 1960s, when Lyndon Johnson made it clear that he wanted it to have a racial-justice component as a part of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill and his Great Society Programs . Then conservatives start painting welfare as a transfer of wealth to minorities, and thus we heard Reagan and other Racist Republicants talking about Welfare Queens. With all of these “Code Words”, White Political Racists never have to say "Nigger" or "Black" and racist voters know who and what they are talking about. That is the Southern Strategy. Racism is an ingrained component of American life. We can call it “race relations issues" and “discrimination issues” and “diversity issues” …but bottom line…IT is RACISM. PERIOD! And from Racism … we get the Pathology of White Supremacy and White Privilege and a Racist president named Trump. We have to name it before we face it." The Struggle Continues! A majority white Mississippi school faces heat after a teacher handed out a “slave letter writing” assignment asking students to imagine what their family life would entail if they were slaves.
RACIST WHITE AMERICA. WHY DIDN'T THE WHITE TEACHER WRITE A LETTER STATING HOW WHITES ENSLAVED BLACKS, USING VIOLENCE AS A DISCIPLINE MEASURE, AND HOW WHITE AMERICA WORKED AFRICANS FOR FREE. THE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST CALLED SLAVERY WHICH CREATED AMERICAN CAPITALISM. According to The Daily Beast, eighth-graders at Purvis Middle School were asked to “pretend like you are a slave working on a Mississippi plantation,” in order to write a letter addressed to family members in Africa, describing their life. “You may discuss the journey to America, as well as the day-to-day tasks you perform,” it reads. A screenshot capturing a slide of the bulleted assignment list went viral, prompting rightful, passionate criticism. Frank Bunnell, the school’s principal, sent a letter to parents this week that was obtained by The Daily Beast. Bunnell apologized and attempted to explain that while severely disturbing, the letter was taken out of context. “A person could read just the assignment and draw a very unrealistic view of the true tragedies that occurred. That was not intended,” he wrote. “However, intent does not excuse anything. There is no excuse to downplay a practice that (even after abolished) spurs unjust laws, unfair economic practices, inhumane treatment, and suppression of a people.” Lamar County School District Superintendent Dr. Steven Hampton voiced Bunnell’s claims in a separate statement and wrote that the goal of the assignment “was to show our students just how horrible slavery was and to gain empathy for what it was like to be a slave.” Yeah, uh huh. DO WHITE FOLKS STAY AWAKE AT NIGHT DECIDING WHAT IS BEST FOR THEM, TO MAKE IT EASIER, WHEN THEY TALK WITH BLACKS ABOUT THEIR RACISM? The Struggle Continues! FROM THE "TOUGH! YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES EARLIER, ASSHOLE" FILE...
trump TERRORIST WHINES THAT COCKROACHES ARE KEEPING HIM AWAKE IN JAIL. YOU WORKED FOR A COCKROACH. YOU SHOULD RIGHT BE AT HOME. Federico Klein, who worked in the Trump State Department and is charged with six crimes for his participation in the Capitol attack wants a new jail cell due to cockroaches keeping him awake. NBC News reported: A hearing was set for Tuesday, March 9, on whether he must be detained pending trial. When told he would remain in custody until next week’s hearing, he said, “I’m wondering if there’s a place that I could stay in detention where I don’t have cockroaches crawling everywhere while I attempt to sleep. I haven’t slept very much. “ WHITE PRIVILEGE MUCH? Klein should have thought about the conditions in prison before he assaulted a police officer. ALL trump terrorists who all pretend to be tough guys have revealed themselves to be quite a whiny wimpish group. The terrorist who sat in Pelosi’s chair and stole government property complained that it was unfair that he was still in jail. The trump terrorists are learning that actions have consequences, and if one tries to overthrow the government, they should expect to have to sleep with roaches. YOU GET A FEEL FOR THE PATHOLOGICAL NATURE OF WHITE AMERICAN RACISM AND WHITE AMERICAN PRIVILEGE WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE NUMBER OF WHITE RIOTING INSURRECTIONISTS ON JANUARY 6 WHO ARE STILL WALKING AROUND because law enforcement “claim” they cannot identify or find them...or when they were arrested ...they were later released. This is on top of trump and his vile band of Racists not approving military protection in this time of national crisis.
Had WE -Black folks, that is-stormed the Capitol-even though WE would not have stormed the Capitol-but hypothetically had WE stormed the Capitol, when the smoke settled, there would not have been much of US left to arrest after the police and whomever else had splattered our bodies with the high-powered bullets from their high-powered guns and their high-powered rifles. (They would have found some.) They would still be scraping up, what remained of us, off the floor, and the walls, and the ceilings, to this day. Yet now, the FBI cannot "find" some of trump’s Racist White marauding thugs and insurrectionists and rioters and murderers whose images you can clearly see on video and on camera. Can this be the same FBI, who can find you just by someone telling them the color of brick in your house? But I guess White Privilege still works even in times of sedition and treason. And remember, this is ALL because of Black voters and Black votes. After all, South Sympathizer and Slaver supporter President Andrew Johnson did ABSOLVE Jefferson Davis and ALL of his Treasonous Confederate cabinet...Robert E. Lee, and ALL of his Treasonous generals and soldiers. He issued an executive amnesty –Pardon, if you will--for all of the enemy government Confederates who sought to overthrow the United States of America to maintain their lifestyle of enslaving Blacks to make them obscenely wealthy, and their other Racist prurient interests. No big deal for law enforcement when the perpetrators are White...even when it comes to invading, vandalizing, and seeking to find elected officials to assassinate, you know, insurrection. It is just child's play, that is, White child’s play. That White Racist and That White Privilege Thing Still Works. The Struggle Continues! |
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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