The ONLY quote of Dr. King you "like" to hypocritically use, especially White Republicant racist elected officials, is the one from his speech during the 1963 March on Washington when Dr. King said he had a dream that "my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Although, I must admit I also heard a local White religious "official" also use the quote. I consider him a racist also.
You quote this sentence as if it is a testimony to American equality. Understand White America, White Racist America, Dr. King knew and rightfully so, that your core racist attitudes would not let you get beyond the color of Black skin to remotely consider a Black person's character. So, Dr. King's "joke" is really on you. I laugh at your racist ignorance and the fact that you White folks think that we Black folks, do not know that, aside from your racist hypocrisy on race, your ONLY conversation is what suits your racist whim. Other than that, when it comes to race, you do not know what the H-E-Double Sticks you are talking about.
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White Enslavers Receive Money for Execution of Enslaved Black People in North Carolina.
On January 18, 1771, the North Carolina General Assembly approved the disbursement of public funds to enslavers as compensation for the executions of Black people they held in bondage. Nearly a dozen enslavers received money from the state, including a White man in Duplin County who was given 80 pounds—the equivalent of over $18,000 today—following the government-led execution of a man he enslaved by the name of George. In nine of 13 colonies, laws provided economic support and compensation to White people after the execution of Black people they enslaved, with the earliest compensation law established in 1705 in Virginia. In a system that subsidized enslavers and permitted the continued trafficking of humans and their summary execution, the state could enact capital punishment without consequence or complaint from enslavers. For decades, if an enslaved person was executed by the state or if an enslaved person died from injuries induced during any other corporal punishment, enslavers could receive an uncapped sum of money and up to 80 pounds by the late 1700s in North Carolina. Consequently, between 1734 and 1786, the North Carolina government authorized the execution of 86 enslaved people that involved compensation to enslavers. Critically, these executions were carried out without any formal legal process. North Carolina’s Slave Code of 1741 denied enslaved people their right to due process, founded in the belief that enslaved people were not suitable for the legal system. Enslaved people were tried before a tribunal composed of enslavers who were quick to deliver convictions and punishments, often on the same day. In 1793, this practice was re-codified in North Carolina as enslaved people were only entitled to a “trial” made up of a jury of “good and lawful men, owners of slaves.” Before imposing execution, the enslaver tribunal assigned a monetary amount that would be given to enslavers. Half of the claims approved by the North Carolina General Assembly on January 18 came in the wake of executions of enslaved people who committed “felonies” which were loosely defined and took the form of petty crimes, arson, “witchcraft,” or attempts to escape bondage. In the wake of these executions, on January 18, North Carolina dispersed nearly 1,000 pounds, or the equivalent of $230,000 today, to enslavers following the executions of 13 enslaved people. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN YEARS GONE BY, TODAY KNOWN AS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION (DEI), IS SIMPLY A PROCESS OF RIGHTING SOME OF AMERIKKKA'S RACIST WRONGS.
Since the 1960s, right-wing racist attacks on civil rights centered on the strategic campaign from conservatives, aka racists, to galvanize White America against affirmative action, which even included White women who benefited from it, among their most successful efforts. In other words, ANY "strides" Blacks have made have come at the expense of Whites in AmeriKKKa. How totally and insidiously racist! Conservatives, aka racists, have deviously succeeded at reframing affirmative action, and now DEI, as a policy that takes away opportunity from White people, as opposed to what it is — a policy that aims to rectify the centuries-long damage from systemic racism, which is as old as the foundational documents of this country. White people are so accustomed to privilege that they consider equality OPPRESSION! It is called racism. TODAY, Jacksonville, Florida city officials sprang into action to condemn anti-semitism, as they should. But when asked about condemning racism, especially in the form of Jacksonville racist Confederate symbols, NOT SO MUCH.
Tim Wise, a White anti-racist, noted speaker, and author very famously said, "If you want to talk about racism, DO NOT ask White people. Correspondingly, if you want to talk about integrity and principles, DO NOT ask Republicants.
AMERIKKKA DID NOT JUST GET TO BE A RACIST COUNTRY. AMERIKKKA WAS FOUNDED AS A RACIST COUNTRY.1/21/2023 ![]() On January 20, 1870, Hiram Rhodes Revels was elected to the U.S. Senate, becoming the first African American to serve in the U.S. Congress. Revels was elected in Mississippi to fill the vacancy left after the state’s secession from the Union prior to the Civil War. After the Confederacy's 1865 defeat in the Civil War, Reconstruction amendments to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery, established the citizenship of formerly enslaved Black people, and granted Black people civil rights—including granting Black men the right to vote. For the brief Reconstruction period, which lasted until 1877, federal officials and troops remained in Southern states and enforced these new rights. As a result, Blacks in the South were for the first time voters, political candidates, and election winners. Mr. Revels was one of those winners. However, immediately upon Mr. Revels’s arrival in Washington, Southern White racist politicians, still committed to the ideas of white supremacy and racial hierarchy, were determined to block his seating to the U.S. Congress. They declared his election null and void, asserting various dubious objections, including a claim that Mr. Revels was ineligible for the Senate because—like all Black Americans—he was not a U.S. citizen until the passage of the 14th Amendment. Hiram Revels was eventually seated in the Senate on February 25, 1870, after a Senate vote of 48 to 8. However, the attempt to prevent Mr. Revels from taking his rightful place in office was an early illustration of the deeply rooted racial animus and belief in inequality that remained in the South and in the nation that would continue to terrorize and plague Black people for generations—especially after federal protection was withdrawn. ![]() On Jan. 12, 2023, you wrote a rejection letter to the state College Board, rejecting a new high school Advanced Placement African American Studies (APAAS) course, which you claim violates Florida’s “Stop W.O.K.E.” Act. Your letter read in part, “as presented, the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.” An Advanced Placement African American Studies course that, according to you, lacks educational value. My Eighth-grade American History teacher, Mr. Rutledge H. Pearson, said to me and my fellow students in the eighth grade in his class, “Freedom is not free. If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.” I visit those words daily from Mr. Pearson, my mentor, who was also the adviser of the Jacksonville Youth Council NAACP, which I joined at age eleven. I wanted to be a part of the solution. Mr. Pearson did not teach his students American History, from the racist and bigoted viewpoints of White American historians and textbook authors who only saw fit to include two Blacks in our American history textbooks approved for Negro (the vernacular at the time) education, but from the truth. He told us to "Leave the textbooks home." American history textbooks, approved for “Negro” students in my “Negro” Junior High School, in the “Negro” Division of the Duval County Public School System. Mr. Pearson recognized that the American History textbook given to him to teach his students was repulsively not truthful, and he refused to be a party to an Incomplete, Dishonest, and Racist American History. When truthful history books are written about your administration and the State of Florida during your administration, Governor DeSantis, I wonder what they will say? Will they say you are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution? Will they say you created the “Ron DeSantis Education Agenda” to “twist and manipulate” American history to your racist liking? Will they say you intimidated the education community-public schools, colleges, and universities in the State of Florida with insidiously racist pronouncements to teach lies about American History or not teach American History at all? Will they say your governor’s edicts had schoolteachers and college professors “cowering in fear” about what they could and could not teach and afraid of their jobs? Will they say your “informational letter about funding for “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” to colleges and universities had as its pathological intent to “frighten” administrators and college/university presidents from doing the right thing because it was the right thing to do, and afraid of their jobs? Will they say your vulgar reference to Black History having “insignificant educational value” means you are clueless that two of the most significant Civil Rights leaders in the history of this nation were Floridians James Weldon Johnson and A. Philip Randolph? Will they say your vulgar reference to Black History having “insignificant educational value” means that you are proclaiming the racial massacre of Blacks and the destruction of Rosewood, Florida, never happened? That the racial massacre of Blacks and the destruction of Ocoee, Florida, never happened? That Harry T. Moore and his wife Harriette Moore were not killed when their home was bombed on their 25th wedding anniversary on Christmas day because they advocated for voter registration for Blacks? That young people, primarily teenagers, did not feel the violent wrath of ax handles and baseball bats in downtown Jacksonville, peacefully sitting in at segregated White lunch counters protesting segregation and racism, even though they were invited into the stores to spend money as shoppers? That FAMU students were not beaten and jailed because they were protesting the racism of downtown Tallahassee stores? That Johnnie Mae Chappelle was not shot and killed merely Walking While Black? These violent events happened because of the lack of respect for those whose skin hue was and is Black—the same disrespect which is a cornerstone of White American Christian Racism. The same disrespect you have shown since your first day as the governor of this state of sunshine and beaches and core racist attitudes. Therein lies your problem, Governor DeSantis. Your racist disrespect is as apparent as your racism. You have been enabled and empowered by a generous assortment of "do-gooder Christian Whites" who profess to want Sisterhood and Brotherhood without calling out the very racism which prevents Brotherhood and Sisterhood. I used to castigate racist Mississippi governor Ross Barnett and racist Alabama governor George Wallace as Grand Dragons of the Ku Klux Klan without the hood and the robe. Klansmen in suits. Let me “congratulate” you for taking your rightful place on the pedestal of “Most Racist Governors” in American History. And like Ross Barnett and George Wallace, you do not need a robe. Racist Governor Ron DeSantis. It has a ring to it. You have earned your racist stripes. Ron DeDantis-Oh and the Holocaust during World War II did not happen, nor did slavery happen. Don't want White folks to feel guilty or uncomfortable. Ed Hall is on it.
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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