THE RACIST president OF THE UNITED STATES: called Black and Brown Countries, shithole countries; He called Black athletes "sons-of-bitches;" He told Black members of Congress to Go Back Where They Came from; He called Black members of Congress "dumb;" He insulted Black female reporters; He questioned the leadership of Rev. Al Sharpton; He questioned and is questioning the leadership of Congressman Elijah Cummings, while adding Congressman’s Cummings' Congressional District (mostly Baltimore, MD) is “crime riddled” and “pest infected.” Just a small snapshot of this Reprehensible and Repugnant and Leadership Skills Challenged Racist. Then, in walks, a delegation of Negro preachers somehow feeling it is their duty to ride to the rescue of this Degenerate Racist president called donald trump. Their meeting with donald trump is an insult to Blacks in this country, and shows just how far some Blacks will go to reap the "prosperity" of kissing a Racist's behind. During the days of the Civil Rights Movement, the Black community was not monolithic--it still is not---but the Black community then, knew the enemy, including those Blacks who sought to ride interference, for their White Straw Bosses. One of the true unsung heroes of the Civil Rights Movement was Edgar Daniel Nixon (President of the Montgomery, Alabama Branch of the NAACP, and the President of the Montgomery, Alabama Chapter of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and the coordinator of the Montgomery Alabama Bus Boycott), who gave this reason for asking Rev Martin Luther King, a "new-in-town" preacher, to head the Montgomery Improvement Association and the pending Montgomery Alabama bus boycott, "ALL of the other Black preachers in Montgomery are tainted by the White Power Structure." They were sellouts then. Some things never change. Many Black preachers are still sellouts, as they epitomize the House Nigger Syndrome... scramble to show their unyielding support for this maniacal Vile Racist...while repudiating those who look like them...because they ARE calling out the Racist called trump. Blacks community types, and Black preachers who sell-out, are not new, and that includes Jacksonville, Fl. One might ask, why do you continue to Fight? You fight because it is White American Racism. You Fight because doing nothing is not an option. However, many times, you Fight Bible Thumping-Handkerchief Head-Pulpit Pimping-Integrity Challenged-Bent Back Negroes, FIRST. The Struggle Continues!
![]() My First Great Grand, Great Granddaughter Everly Ann, was born Friday, July 19, 2019, at 6:46 pm...and as you can see, she is Beautiful. I already have the Great Granddaddy talk down pat. Everly Ann weighed in at 8 pounds 1 ounce, and a height of 20 inches...the Granddaughter of Danita Hurst and Rodney Hurst II, and the Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle (Marquiette) Dorrell. Mom and Dad are doing fine. Life compels you to put several things in perspective with a birth, even when you are sorrowful at a friend’s recent death. The Celebration and the Sorrow. The Bitter with the Sweet. The Beauty of the Rising Sun and the Solemnity of the Sunset. As I was driving to the hospital to see my Exquisite Great Granddaughter, I thought of my wife Ann, and shed some tears that she was not here to share this moment with me. And almost immediately, I remembered my Granddaughter Marquiette (Mar-Kita), Everly Ann’s mother, who always wears a butterfly pin in remembrance of her grandmother. She was, in effect, with me. Life is to be celebrated...the New life coming to Make a Difference...and the Older life which Made a Difference. I Welcome you to Life, Adorable Miss Everly Ann...and the Spirit of your Great Grandmother Ann, from whom you get your middle name, also Welcomes You. Since 1619, after being kidnapped from Africa, Blacks have had to fight this Christian country FOR the barest of Respect, while also fighting the Pathological Racist Hatred and the Ignorance of Disrespectful Whites, directed at them, purely based on their Black hue of skin.
And 400 years later, White America brazenly embraces a White Racist president...while wallowing in his Cowardly and Ignorant daily diatribe ...dripping with the vile venom of inhumaneness and evil...and yet, White America has the Unmitigated gall ...the Reprehensible accuse Blacks of playing the Race Card? We Aren't Playing...and Racism is Not a Game. The Struggle Continues! SOME RACIST REPUBLICANTS ARE FEIGNING THEY ARE UPSET, especially the Racist-in-chief’s little Twit White House adviser, Stephen Miller, because some people including me, call the Abominable Facilities at the Border, Concentration camps. Their fake concern and anger is intended to imply by calling them Concentration Camps, people who use that label are callously disrespecting the Jewish Concentration camps, and the millions of Jewish deaths during World War II.
What’s in a Name? Try this... Slavery was a series of Longstanding Christian Concentration Camps where tens of millions of my descendants died, killed by you, White America and your European counterparts. Tens of millions of Black deaths during Slavery--America’s “legal” Concentration Camps are never mentioned--by you, in classrooms, in history books, nowhere. Black deaths were of little consequence, then as now, because YOU, Racist White America, determine the value of Black lives, even dead Black lives. Just a reminder...Racist American Christianity generally, Racist American Christian Institutions and Racist White Christian Churches specifically, wholeheartedly endorsed and supported the legal "American Christian Concentration Camp" which you called know the Christian ethics of a White human being, owning a Black human being, which you called a "piece of property.” I guess using your condescending and insidious Ignorant Racist Republicant logic, I should be Angry as Hell, since you never apologized for the "Concentration Camps," where you kept my ancestors in chains on their legs, on their hands, and around their necks. Other countries did apologize for their inhumanity...for the Jewish Concentration camps, and paid Reparations for their inhumaneness, and America, who put Japanese Americans in Internment Camps...Yep, Concentration Camps, by another name, during World War II....apologized and paid Reparations to the Japanese. Not only have you refused to apologize for your legal “Concentration Camps” called Slavery, but you think paying Black Americans a descendants of the millions you kept in chains in the American Concentration Camps, while you worked them for hundreds of years for free, is a joke. Your Twisted and Repugnant Racist Logic means Concentration camps are called something different when they hold Black and Brown people captive, but we know better, because WE know YOU. The Struggle Continues. ![]() RACISTS ARE MORE THAN PREDICTABLE, and they are as cowardly as they come. It goes without saying that donald trump is a Racist coward and a Racist bully who hides behind his White skin and the presidency of the United States. When he spouts his Racist limited vocabulary from his equally limited Racist Lexicon, he relishes the initial spotlight he receives; which is one of the benefits of White Privilege. Then, when his sh*t gets his uncouth behind in a bind, then his White Privilege outrage prompts him to say, “Are you going to believe your lying eyes and ears, or are you going to believe me?” Over the last few years, the press has given this cretin president a pass. His Racist language and his Racist diatribe have been treated as a ho-hum affair with the media. So-called White Christian Evangelicals, who are nothing more than Racists wrapped in the Christian cross and the Bible, just fell at his feet. The reason you ask? They Liked the Racist diatribe oozing from his Racist lips. In addition to the White Christians, you have the White “others” who are damned and determined to support and defend this Ignorance in the White House, come “Hell or High water.” Then, you have the Black others, who are too dumb and stupid and ignorant to realize when someone is kicking them in their Blessed Ass-urances every day, while allowing their Integrity—if they have any left—to be used as a door mat. This proven and documented circumstance of donald trump being America’s poster boy for Racism, and the latest example of his core Racist attitudes directed at 4 Black and Brown members of Congress, means there is nothing for trump supporters to remotely hide behind. If you support the Racist donald trump, you are a Racist and you are supporting a Full-Throated Racist. There is no equivocation. America is a Racist country, founded on Racist Christian ideals and Racist Christian ethics. donald trump simply plugged into the lava-like stream of America’s Original Sin. When you use the terms “chattel and property” to describe Black enslaved human beings from the days of the founding of this country, which was wholeheartedly supported by the White Christian Church, then that is all you need to know about America’s History. Again, America's Original Sin. White Christian America is at another of the myriad of Right and Wrong crossroads it has faced. After failing many equality tests before, as it did in 2016, I am betting White Christian America still will not get it right when the opportunity presents itself in 2020. White America loves its Racism, its White Privilege, and certainly loves THEIR Racist in the White House. The Struggle Continues.
Two of the most Hypocritical, Meaningless, and Hollow groupings of words, in America:
1)..."All men are created equal" from the Declaration of Independence; and 2)..."With Liberty, and Justice for All" from the Pledge of Allegiance. The Struggle Continues! Whenever there is a Racial crisis...which is everyday in America...White America is quick to say to Black America, "We need to come together as Americans" ... yet White America will not admit to its Racism...which separated us as "Americans" in the First Place.
The Struggle Continues! If an assortment of White males can portray a Real Black Jesus...and a White Elizabeth Taylor can portray a Real Black Cleopatra... then certainly a Black Halle Bailey can portray a fictional Non-descript Mermaid.
All of the traitortrump's rallies proclaim the same thing...and that is...what drives the Trump base, in addition to this Racist the pervasive and vile Racism on display from the stage ...and the Racism they get to "legitimately" strut and engage in...since they know there is a Racist, like them, in the White House.
We all knew it, so this is not a Revelation, well Black folks knew anyway, But Racism has broken America Real Good...and It Did Not Just Get that Way! The Struggle Continues! |
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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