trumpism equals Racism.
State Attorney generals from 17 Republicant States are supporting the state of Texas asking the United States Supreme Court to overturn Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's election...and...108 Republicant House members have joined America's leadership-challenged-Racist-liar-in-chief in this Racist seditious movement to overthrow a democratic election. And their reasoning? Because "something illegal and criminal" happened with Black votes and Black voters in predominantly Black cities in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Republicant BULL SHIT, oozing with White Anglo Saxon Protestant Christian Racism. And you ask, WHY are you Black folks always charging us White folks with Racism? Because THAT is exactly What you are...Racists. If you support donald trump, You are a Racist. Your state's administrations ...governors, attorney generals et al...signing on to these ridiculous-going-nowhere lawsuits to support donald trumpism, They are Racists. These 108 Republicant House members who support the overthrow of a duly democratic election to soothe the Racist fragile ego of Racist donald trump are Racists. Period...End of Story. The Struggle Continues! |
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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