donald trump has proven that not only are racists low information voters, but they will believe anything as long as it comes from the lips of another racist. Ask racist yahoos What Does “make America great again” and they will mumble something about making the world “respect” America again as if we are the International Moral Authorities and the International Police. This country who built its economic structure and made its way by enslaving other humam beings. Racists have this cowboy mentality and they think all Americans---White Americans that is---are like John Wayne. In fact many believe in John Wayne. He is one of their Racist heroes. Don't tell them that John Wayne died in 1979. When you ask them what are donald trump’s policies, they sound like a broken record, and they repeat make America great again. In other words, trump supporters really do not know what make America great again really means so they are left to their meager and inconsequential brain-less devices. For them make America great again means Blacks who know how to stay in their places and that is being rarely seen and never heard; women who know their places; No Hispanics/Latins/Others of any kind in this country; and certainly, no one with a sexual identity they do not consider normal. Just a return to those days of yesteryear where Whites were in control, and White males at that. White racists have proven that anything that any vulgar and racist diatribe that dribbles from the lips of Republicant racists running for ANY ELECTED OFFICE they will fall for, hook, line, and sinker. As president, donald j. trump knew how to play the game-he surrounded himself first with racists, and then he mouthed whatever they told him to say. He is shallow, not very bright, cannot prepare himself for anything, believes the venom which falls out of his mouth, is only looking to make another fast buck, has no integrity, has no scruples, is a Racist, a Sexist, a Misogynist, a Xenophobe, a Serial Liar, and a Sexual Deviant, and yet he has taken millions of White Americans on a racist ride to nowhere with him because he is a racist with the perfunctory racist vocabulary and for his supporters that is good enough for them. They ARE donald trump Whining Zombies. They will not admit it, but they are just as racist and as much a whiner as he is. Of course, it really does not make a difference if they admit they are Racist or not. THEY HAVE ALREADY SHOWN THEY ARE!
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AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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