I REFER TO AMERICAN HISTORY AS INCOMPLETE, DISHONEST, AND RACIST. Of the many examples, nothing confirms America’s Dishonest and Racist History than the National Holiday America celebrates called Christopher Columbus Day, as this country romanticizes and deifies and gives credit to Christopher Columbus for discovering America ...EXCEPT ...Christopher Columbus NEVER landed in the Continental United States, and therefore DID NOT discover America. Aside from the fact Christopher Columbus was not an accomplished sailor, he landed on the Island Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) where he encountered the Tainos Indigenous indians, a sub-group of the Arawak Indians. They were peace loving people and did not own weapons. Christopher Columbus immediately realized they could enslave the Tainos with no conflict, which is what he did. Most school history texts do not include Columbus was the first European to bring slavery to the New World. “Under Columbus, the Spanish attacked the Tainos, sparing neither men, women nor children. Warfare, forced labor, starvation and disease reduced Hispaniola's Tainos population (estimated at one million to two million in 1492) to extinction within 30 years.” Columbus carried many Tainos young girls back to Spain and Europe as sex slaves. American History gives credit to a LIE as a key part of its History, and teachers teach the lie at all levels of the Academic Arena...and textbooks include the lie. HOW do you give someone credit for discovering something they never discovered? You do it when it is political. At the urging of the Knights of Columbus, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made Columbus Day an official federal holiday in 1937. This decision was to politically endear the Roosevelt Administration to Italians and Catholics (Christopher Columbus was Italian and Catholic) and had nothing to do with historical fact. It is well known now Norsemen from Scandinavia, and the Olmecs from Africa, both visited Continental America well before Christopher Columbus. Question 1...With the absolute academic fact Christopher Columbus DID NOT Discover America, why are we still celebrating a holiday in his honor? Question 2...If you are a teacher, do you continue to teach Christopher Columbus discovered America when you know he did not? Question 3...Do you then teach the truth about Columbus? Question 4...How do you give credit to other explorers in American History for discovering anything, when there were millions of indigenous people already in this country, and the surrounding islands, and countries? Question 5...Parents, do you tell your young ones Christopher Columbus DID NOT discover America? You should. For many, myself included, Christopher Columbus' legacy is one of slavery and the destruction of people and cultures, not as a discovering hero. Slaver Trader and Murderer Christopher Columbus is certainly NOT deserving of a national holiday in his honor. The Struggle Continues!
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AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
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