LET'S GO THERE AND GET A FEW THINGS STRAIGHT IN THE PROCESS. What Kyrie Irving said and posted, is offensive, and stupid, and the Jewish community obviously has every right to be offended. They should also be offended by the author who wrote the book in question, offended by Amazon for selling the book, and offended by those responsible for the film. However, something is awry when White folks can go after a star NBA player, who happens to be Black, and not go after Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Steve Bannon, FOX Channel, ron desantis, donald trump, White Republicants running for elected office, and allow sitting White Republicant members of Congress like Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Matt Gaetz and other garden variety racists to say the most disgusting, offensive, antisemitic, and racist things, and not open their collective mouths. Yet as a Black person in these Un-United States of America I am not surprised at White America's hypocrisy and White America's silence. You have racist White elected officials hanging on every word of a racist loser former president but who are afraid to say he is wrong for his racism because they are afraid to get on the "bad side" of his racist base. White America, the NFL, the NBA, and White Christians get all riled up about everything but Christian White American racism. In this case, everyone is upset, and rightfully so, against a Pro basketball player who should have known better. I get upset too, as a Black man, who has fought and had to deal with racism, discrimination, bigotry, bias, and segregation ALL OF MY natural life. I get upset too seeing this racist and hypocritical White country go into apoplexy about antisemitism, and not racism, which White America created. I get upset too as I watch America excoriate Colin Kaepernick because he had the nerve to protest White American Christian Racism which we can see every day as a “Clear and Present Danger.” But, why is it no one was equally upset when: trump said, “sh*t hole countries” referring to Black and Brown nations; ron desantis said “monkey it up” in a code word message about Andrew Gillums and his supporters; United States senator Tommy Tuberville said, “Democrats are pro-crime because all Blacks are criminals. They want crime. They want crime because they want to take over what you got. They want to control what you have. They want reparation because they think the people that do the crime are owed that;” Paul Ryan, who said publicly he "faulted lazy black men for inner-city poverty," despicable racist stereotyping; Newt Gingrich labeled Obama "The greatest food stamp President in American history,” a racist remark clearly designed to rile up White America; Sarah Palin wrote on her Facebook wall: "President Obama's shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end;" (“Shucking and jiving” have long been words used as a negative racist assessment of Blacks and especially men, along the lines of a “foot shufflin’ Negro.” In fact, I don’t recall ever hearing the phrase used in reference to anyone White.) AND racist Republicant voter suppression tactics. The trump racist Republicant party has been actively pursuing the non-existent problem of voter fraud. Republicans have instituted various forms of voter suppression aimed at preventing Blacks from voting because Blacks are more inclined to vote for Democrats than racist Republicants; Couple that with the racist rants that dribble from the lips daily of White Republicants in Congress and governor’s offices throughout racist America, AND, the many racist words from racist Republicants who speak at racist political rallies and attend racist conventions. The insulting and disrespectful ways racist Republicants are trying to rewrite American History to not make White Americans feel uncomfortable for their racist treatment of Blacks THROUGHOUT American History is one of the cornerstones of their racist Christian American Strategy. Not to make Whites uncomfortable with the truth of how their White ancestors mistreated and enslaved my Black ancestors is brazenly pathetic and racist itself. So yes, I am offended by what Kyrie Irving said. BUT, I am ALSO offended daily by Christian White American racism then and now, White American racists then and now, and White America’s dishonest, incomplete and racist history, THEN AND NOW. If we are to be offended by antisemitism, then we should also be EQUALLY offended by Christian White America’s incessant racism---YET NO ONE SAYS A WORD.
I POSTED, "YOU CANNOT USE JACKSONVILLE AND PROGRESSIVE IN THE SAME SENTENCE," earlier on Facebook. Nothing is truer, for me. And as expected, I received “pro and con” comments from my "Facebook Friends."
From “I know many Progressives in Jacksonville” to “Jacksonville is not as bad as some other places I know” to “I could not disagree with you more.” So, Lets unpack: 1) I did not post my comments asking for your support or your blessings or your agreement. I could give less than a Tinker’s Damn if you agree with me that Jacksonville is NOT Progressive. 2) I do not work for the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, so it is not my responsibility to be a Jacksonville Cheerleader. 3) Jacksonville is still very much Racist and even with a Pro Football team. I see very few changes in that. 4) Jacksonville’s religious community both Black and White are as passive and non-threatening as other White folks and Black folks in the Jacksonville community, and they act as if they just found out Jesus Christ was crucified. I don’t know if some of them who believe in the Bible, internalized that Jesus also arose from the dead. But that is how "un-engaged" they are with what is happening in Jacksonville. Speak out against Racism and For Civil Rights and Against Police Brutality and For Equality, But, Not From My Pulpit! But let someone-White, of course, give out "pennies" as offerings to FIGHT CRIME and they are the first ones in line with their hands out, as if they are law enforcement officers. 5) Many Blacks in Jacksonville who should know better, have taken a Go-Along-to-Get-Along posture as if speaking out against Injustice and Police Brutality and Racism will sour their “good” relationships with their White Friends. Not only is being quiet a sign of complicity, but saying nothing will not make Racism disappear. And then you have some Blacks for whom you might have had a modicum of respect, only to show you that respect was ill placed. 6) Jacksonville still refuses to have real conversations about Racism because those conversations make Whites in Jacksonville and Blacks in Jacksonville, Uncomfortable. Whites in Jacksonville ALWAYS want to tell me what THEY think is best for me. I call it “The White Expert on Black Folks Syndrome.” And they get their feelings hurt when I tell them "Who in the H-E-double sticks do you think you are to tell me what I want and need and how I feel?" Then Black folks go along with the “White Experts” as if that is a way to make peace. White Experts, like White Privilege and White Racism is a White Arrogant Lifestyle which has permeated Jacksonville since time Immemorial. Fairness...Equality...and Civil Rights...are not even footnotes in Jacksonville’s history and its conversations...and you have Blacks in Jacksonville who would dare say, “I know a lot of White Progressives in Jacksonville." Well Whoop-De-Doo. You must keep them hidden. WE can join hands and sing... have prayer vigils... rally around art... go to luncheons and dinners ... have your study circles about Racism...and visit each other's churches all you want...but if you think that is ALL that is necessary to call yourself a Progressive, you are only fooling Yourselves and Blacks who do not know any better. Jacksonville is still Jacksonville...with its feet in 2022...and its head in the 1950’s and the 1960’s ... and IS STILL not Progressive. Jacksonville does not like to talk about Racism and especially ITS Racism. When have you heard of dealing with Racism, by NOT talking about it? How do you Fight Racism by not acknowledging IT is the Enemy? Of course, YOU DO NOT...YOU CANNOT. Jacksonville is the home of my birth and my late wife’s birth and my children's birth and my grandchildren's birth and my great grandchild's birth and many of my friends' place of birth. I went to school in Jacksonville...I attend church in Jacksonville and I fight Racism (and fought Racism) in Jacksonville. I reserve the right to Criticize Jacksonville Whenever I want and Wherever I want, until Jacksonville does better...and that is With or Without your help. AND I CERTAINLY DO NOT NEED YOUR APPROVAL OR YOUR BLESSINGS. Whenever I hear someone Black say they "prayed" about a political decision, and then decided to endorse and support a racist or someone running to represent a racist political party, i.e. the racist trump Republicant party, my question is, "Did you pray to the 'God of the Oppressed' or did you pray to the 'God of the Oppressor?' There IS a difference.
The racist trump Republicant party-local, state, and national-as crafted by America's loser racist former president is the klan stronghold of White racist males and White racist females who give less than a tinker's blankety-blank about you and your Black hue of skin.
You two-One of you run as a Black Republicant, and the other endorses him running as a Black Republicant ...AND NOW ... BOTH OF YOU are a part of the bidding of racists and their core racist attitudes. The essence of a Bent Back Negro. HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING ABOUT YOUR HISTORY AND AN INCOMPLETE, DISHONEST AND A RACIST AMERICAN HISTORY? Don't answer. It is obvious. PLEASE NOTE WHITE AMERICA, ONCE YOU HAVE PAINTED YOURSELF WITH YOUR RACIST PAINT, THE PAINT DOES NOT COME OFF.
donald trump has proven that not only are racists low information voters, but they will believe anything as long as it comes from the lips of another racist. Ask racist yahoos What Does “make America great again” and they will mumble something about making the world “respect” America again as if we are the International Moral Authorities and the International Police. This country who built its economic structure and made its way by enslaving other humam beings. Racists have this cowboy mentality and they think all Americans---White Americans that is---are like John Wayne. In fact many believe in John Wayne. He is one of their Racist heroes. Don't tell them that John Wayne died in 1979. When you ask them what are donald trump’s policies, they sound like a broken record, and they repeat make America great again. In other words, trump supporters really do not know what make America great again really means so they are left to their meager and inconsequential brain-less devices. For them make America great again means Blacks who know how to stay in their places and that is being rarely seen and never heard; women who know their places; No Hispanics/Latins/Others of any kind in this country; and certainly, no one with a sexual identity they do not consider normal. Just a return to those days of yesteryear where Whites were in control, and White males at that. White racists have proven that anything that any vulgar and racist diatribe that dribbles from the lips of Republicant racists running for ANY ELECTED OFFICE they will fall for, hook, line, and sinker. As president, donald j. trump knew how to play the game-he surrounded himself first with racists, and then he mouthed whatever they told him to say. He is shallow, not very bright, cannot prepare himself for anything, believes the venom which falls out of his mouth, is only looking to make another fast buck, has no integrity, has no scruples, is a Racist, a Sexist, a Misogynist, a Xenophobe, a Serial Liar, and a Sexual Deviant, and yet he has taken millions of White Americans on a racist ride to nowhere with him because he is a racist with the perfunctory racist vocabulary and for his supporters that is good enough for them. They ARE donald trump Whining Zombies. They will not admit it, but they are just as racist and as much a whiner as he is. Of course, it really does not make a difference if they admit they are Racist or not. THEY HAVE ALREADY SHOWN THEY ARE! VOTER SUPPRESSION IS AN INTENDED AND PURPOSEFUL VULGAR AND INSIDIOUS "TOOL" USED BY WHITE AMERICAN RACISTS DIRECTED AT BLACK PEOPLE AND BROWN PEOPLE IN THESE "NOT YET" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
From the founding of this Racist country, White Americans Christian Racists certainly had no intention of allowing enslaved persons, whose hue of skin was Black, the Right to Vote. They also never intended to allow Indigenous people, whose land they TOOK, to vote. Voting was to be the domain of White male property owners -remember slaves were property. We are seeing some of the most blatant forms of White American Christian Racist Vote suppression. I say White Christian because White Christians obviously support Voter Suppression and Racism because I do not read or hear or see White American Christians speaking up and out about this Wanton Disrespect of Black Americans' Right To Vote. And again, don’t ask me stand and hold hands and sing an Insignificant “Kumbayah” when you cower in your "do-gooder" religious corner afraid to speak. Voting is perhaps the cornerstone of American Democracy. It IS a Freedom and a Right, NOT a Privilege. When you read where White Secretaries of State from various states in the South and outside of the South are coming up with deviously blatant ways to keep Black folks and Brown folks and Native American Indians from voting all under the guise of “protecting your right to vote," you ask yourself why. The Obvious and Explicit answer is, Obvious and Explicit Racism. The bastardization of Democracy has always been a part of White America’s Racism---which translates to control---over Blacks in this country. If Racist Whites can keep us from voting BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY-Voter Suppression NOW-they continue all components of their "Racist control narrative" which they saw eroding during the Civil Rights Movement. Racists lied and killed and distorted and suppressed to gain exactly what America is TODAY, a White Racist country on the verge of getting rid of Democracy. |
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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