AMERICAN HISTORY IS ALREADY INCOMPLETE, DISHONEST, AND RACIST. This latest Racist move by DeSantis and his ilk is to tell Social Studies teachers/professors what truth they can and cannot teach, which he politically calls CRT. It is intended for his racist base. His apparent intent and to make American history more Incomplete, Dishonest, and Racist.
The losers are the students, especially Black students, who are targets and are impacted by his and other insidiously designed racist educational strategies.
OneJax's post on Facebook. It was a typical Saturday. The local supermarket was busy. A father buying his 3-year-old a birthday cake. An 88-year-old woman stopping by to pick up groceries after visiting her husband in a nursing home. The young mom and beloved teacher, 32, who went to the store to buy what she needed to make dinner. A gentleman who gave people rides to and from the store—even if they didn’t have much money. These and six other lives lost. Snuffed out in an instant. Three others were injured. OneJax is horrified and heartbroken by the events in Buffalo this past weekend. The racially-motivated rampage by a subscriber to racial hate groups and replacement theorists, left the carnage in his wake. What sense can be made of this madness? There is no simple answer. The whys and wherefores of acts like this will continue to be debated by minds far greater than ours. But it’s incumbent upon us all to be part of the conversations so that steps can be implemented in order to predict—and hopefully, prevent—future events from taking place to begin with. For now, OneJax asks that we all treat each other gently, with care and kindness. This horror was perpetrated in Buffalo, but people all over the country are hurting, mourning and looking for answers. In our community, let’s answer the hate with love, outreach and inclusion. And take whatever steps necessary to assure that the country never has to pray for us. My Response, also on Facebook. DISAPPOINTED BUT NOT UNEXPECTED. I am a recipient of the OneJax Silver Humanitarian Award. I was honored to receive the award (in 2017) and proud my oldest son, Rodney, was there to put the award around my neck. However, for everything the award means to me, its impact is wearied for me, when I read the "milquetoast" statement by OneJax (below) in response to the vicious and deadly murders of Blacks by a young White supremacist Racist criminal in Buffalo, NY. He targeted Blacks in a Buffalo Supermarket killing 10, and wounding 3 persons. In an excerpt from its Facebook post, OneJax writes: "What sense can be made of this madness? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer. The whys and wherefores of acts like this will continue to be debated by minds far greater than ours. But it's incumbent upon us all to be part of the conversations so that steps can be implemented in order to predict—and hopefully, prevent—future events from taking place to begin with. For now, OneJax asks that we all treat each other gently, with care and kindness. This horror was perpetrated in Buffalo, but people all over the country are hurting, mourning and looking for answers. In our community, let's answer the hate with love, outreach and inclusion. And take whatever steps necessary to assure that the country never has to pray for us." As a Black person and an ongoing target of Racism in these "As Yet" United States of America, I would have preferred OneJax, from my hometown, to say nothing, than to use such a compilation of meaningless words they posted on Facebook. "... we all (should) treat each other gently, with care and kindness," and, "Let's answer hate with love, outreach, and inclusion?" REALLY? We are talking racist murders. "Let's take whatever steps to assure that the country never has to pray for us." Why not also add "thoughts and prayers," (a standard nothing response from many in White America when a tragedy occurs)? Blacks, who were targeted in the Buffalo Racist massacre, died because many in White America support a Racist conspiratorial "replacement theory," which like the Racist mass murderer, spreads the filth, evil vulgarity, and the deadly violence of racism, while others in White America do nothing; they died because many in White America support the pathology and the sinister symbolism of the number "14" while others in White America do nothing; and they died because of the many racists and Racist schemes which have a daily homecoming and thrives in America's racist underbelly, and still White Americans say and do nothing. Let's call "racism" and "White supremacy" what they are, "racism" and "White supremacy." Let's deal with the Racism which radicalized a 18-year-old cascading from a racist TV network and the racism which "flows" regularly from racist White elected officials at ALL levels. Let's deal with the deafening silence from the White Christian Community where the words "brotherhood" and "sisterhood" seemingly have no place today. Next, let's deal with the passage of legislation by White Elected officials designed to appeal and pander to only a White Racist constituency base. Finally, let's deal with the dishonesty that also cascades from the mouths of White Racist elected officials at ALL levels designed NOT to address hatred and exclusion but to appeal instead to hatred and inclusion, Whites only. As a Black man, I have dealt with Racism for as long as I have understood Racism. Many Whites do not like to talk about racism because it makes them uncomfortable. They are awkwardly uncomfortable hearing words about racism birthed from America original sin of White supremacy. How painful would White folks be if they were the targets of Racism daily? As a Black man, I am a target of racism daily. And I will continue to be a target of racism daily when Whites, Christian Whites at that, who would and could say something in opposition to Racism do not say anything, or the words they choose to use are measured to the extent they are meaningless. I can only fight Racism. I do every day. Whites can change Racism. They do not every day. But if I have to continue to fight with little or no help from White America, then that is what I will continue to do. Doing nothing is not an option for me. I will not fight racism with White allies who wallow in Passivity and milquetoast words. That insidiousness will not get it. To say I am disappointed in OneJax's words only scrapes the surface. Yet in Jacksonville, OneJax is not alone. Several Jacksonville organizations in the "diversity and inclusion business" would cower in fear if they had to use terms other than the convenient "diversity and inclusion." But this is Jacksonville, and I am accustomed to getting the same thing from Jacksonville's White Christian community all of my life when dealing meaningfully and substantively with Racism. That same thing is – NOTHING-Not One Thing. So please, don't take my word for it. Jacksonville's History speaks for itself. MEMO TO BLACK AND BRILLIANT YOUNG PEOPLE:
As many of you graduate from high school and college, and you get ready to take on the world, remember, no matter how Black and Brilliant you are, there are elements-racist elements in this world who really do not care how Black and Brilliant you are in your Black Skin. Just understand what racism IS so you are not surprised when it happens to you because of your Black Skin. Just understand the intent is to Disrespect you because of your Black Skin. Just understand Disrespect is one of the cornerstones of racism because of your Black Skin. Just understand the intent is to make you feel less than because of your Black Skin. Just understand the intent is to not let you feel Black and Brilliant because of your Black Skin. Just understand the intent is to demoralize you because you are Black and Brilliant in your Black Skin. When you understand what racism is, don't let racism deter you, don't let racism discourage you, and don't let racism stop you. Just understand you ARE Black and Brilliant IN your Black Skin, IN SPITE OF. When you internalize and understand the Blatant and Brazenly Overt Christian White American Racism in the South today, it is easy to see why there were great migrations of Blacks from the the South going North, East, and West, especially after World War 1 and World War 2. Black military veterans returning home from fighting "the enemy abroad" while risking their lives defending this country, refused to return home to the South, continuing to fight Racist American "enemies" on their native soil, while also risking their lives. Don't be surprised if there is not another Great Migration of Blacks, military and non-military, from the South. I KNOW WE ARE TOLD RACISTS are made, not born, and Racism is taught, but when I watch excerpts (on MSNBC) of evil Christian Racists on FOX and the ignorant racist diatribe spewing forth from their racist lips, I am arriving to the conclusion that SOME Racists ARE born that way, with Racism embedded in their DNA.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Person: Hazel Gillis 904-472-9023 Jacksonville’s Major African American Organizations Not Included in Planning of Jacksonville's 200th Bicentennial Anniversary. Last year, the City of Jacksonville entered into a "partnership" with the Jacksonville Historical Society to plan for Jacksonville's 200th Anniversary celebration. But unfortunately, they decided to exclude the Black community from the planning process. So, one year later, the City and the Jacksonville Historical Society have cavalierly stated they have already planned the bicentennial anniversary, and the Black community can participate if it wishes. Of course, the decision is the city's prerogative. However, it follows Jacksonville's traditional discourteous history toward Black people, who comprise one-third of Jacksonville's population. The City of Jacksonville can only answer why it wants to exclude the rich legacy of Jacksonville's African-American history. Jacksonville came into existence in 1822 during a period of abject racism and slavery. In the ensuing 200 years, life in Jacksonville has ranged from Jim Crow segregation to varying levels of integration. Organizations like the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) have always stood ready to work with the City of Jacksonville and any other entity in situations of mutual respect. However, it is disrespectful as well as insulting to discover a year later that the bicentennial committee has received no meaningful input from the Black community. Jacksonville's history has not been all "sweetness and light." No efforts should be made to exclude those historical times. History should be about honesty and truth. Further, we understand, appreciate, and respect the rich history of the African American community in Jacksonville. Respectful of this history, we will acknowledge the contributions of the African American community by participating in various community activities surrounding the 157th anniversary of the reading of the Emancipation Proclamation in the State of Florida on May 20, 1865, in Tallahassee, Florida, and the celebrations surrounding the national holiday "Juneteenth" from June 18-20, 2022. The below organizations have decided not to participate in the City of Jacksonville's bicentennial anniversary. To do so is to say we accept the wanton disrespect the city has shown for Jacksonville's Black community. WE RESPECT OURSELVES AND OUR HISTORY. Signed, The James Weldon Johnson Branch of the Association for the study of African American Life and History (ASALH) The Jacksonville Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Foundation of Jacksonville, FL Sisters' Seat at the Table Take'Em Down JAX Harriett Tubman Freedom Fighters Rodney L. Hurst, Civil Rights activist, Black Historian, and Author Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and John Roberts, when asked about Roe v. Wade and a "woman's right to choose about their bodies" during their confirmation hearings to the Supreme Court, ALL said Roe V. Wade was "established precedent" and they would not vote to overturn. 5 OF THEM LIED! WE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN ROBERTS...YET! ONLY IN A COUNTRY-AMERICA-WHICH DEVALUES BLACK LIVES CAN YOU:
Have a Black senator-Tim Scott-elected from a Confederate state-South Carolina-oppose and vote against the ONLY Black female-Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson-to the United States Supreme Court who is fulfilling his "script" to do the bidding of Racist White America ; Have a Black Supreme Court Justice-Clarence Thomas-appointed from a Confederate state-Georgia-to the United States Supreme Court, who has served for 31 years on the United States Supreme Court, who has NEVER voted to support ANY Civil Rights issues before the court, and is fulfilling his "script" to do the bidding of Racist White America; Have an unqualified Black-Herschel Walker-whose only claim to fame is he played college football for a Confederate state-Georgia-and played professional football for a Confederate state-Texas-run for the United States Senate from a Confederate state-Georgia-who is fulfilling his "script" to do the bidding of Racist White America; Have a Black person-Daniel Cameron-elected as State Attorney General from a Confederate state-Kentucky-fulfilling his "script" to do the bidding of Racist White America; who now has filed to run for the governor of the same Confederate state-Kentucky-in 2023, fulfilling his "script" to do even more bidding of Racist White America; Have principle-challenged, integrity-challenged, self-disrespecting spineless Blacks show up at rallies carrying signs to support the egomaniacal loser Racist former president of the United States, who are fulfilling their "script" to do the bidding of Racist White America; Have principle-challenged, integrity-challenged, self-disrespecting Blacks become supporters of and elected officials of a Racist political party-Republicants-fulfilling their "script" to do the bidding of a Racist White America; THERE IS A REASON why there were, and there are, names-FILL IN THE BLANKS-for principle-challenged, integrity-challenged, self-disrespecting Blacks who did not, and do not, understand a Black face was, and is, looking back at them in the mirror. BLACKS COLLABORATING WITH THEIR RACIST ENEMIES IN RACIST WHITE AMERIKKKA. INCOMPLETE, DISHONEST, AND RACIST AMERICAN HISTORY REGURGITATED TO OUR BLACK STUDENTS DAILY BIRTHED BY AMERICA'S ORIGINAL SIN OF WHITE SUPREMACY. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER PART OF AMERICAN HISTORY THAT WHITE AMERICA CONSPIRED IN TO MAKE SURE BLACK AMERICA DID NOT KNOW. HARVARD IS NOT ISOLATED. EVERY IVY LEAGUE COLLEGE OWNED BLACK ENSLAVED PERSONS AND USED THEM TO BUILD THEIR BUILDINGS AND THEIR INFRASTRUCTURE, AMONG MANY OTHER "THINGS." AND WHILE WE ARE AT IT, EVERY WHITE RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION, WHEN THIS CHRISTIAN COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED AND AFTERWARDS, OWNED ENSLAVED PERSONS. HARVARD UNIVERSITY, the country’s richest, most prestigious university has set up a $100 million fund as an attempt to make amends for its own role in American slavery. Officials at Harvard University, which has produced eight U.S. presidents and has an endowment worth $53.2 billion, announced the fund yesterday along with a 134-page report detailing the institution’s ties to the trafficking and enslavement of Africans on its campus and elsewhere. The announcement was the culmination of the work of a committee commissioned by the institution’s president and it acknowledges ugly truths about how Harvard, like so many other American institutions, rose to prominence on forced Black labor. A few key findings from the report’s summary: SLAVERY—of Indigenous and of African people—was an integral part of life in Massachusetts and at Harvard during the colonial era. Between the University’s founding in 1636 and the end of slavery in the Commonwealth in 1783, Harvard faculty, staff, and leaders enslaved more than 70 individuals. Some of the enslaved worked and lived on campus, where they cared for Harvard presidents and professors and fed generations of Harvard students. Through connections to multiple donors, the University had extensive financial ties to and profited from, slavery during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. In one column are the names of more than 70 enslaved people at Harvard: Venus, Juba, Cesar, Cicely. They are only first names, or sometimes no name at all — “the Moor” or “a little boy” — of people and stories that have been all but forgotten. In another column are the names of the ministers and presidents and donors of Harvard who enslaved them in the 17th and 18th centuries: Increase Mather, Gov. John Winthrop, William Brattle. These full names are so powerful and revered they still adorn buildings today. The contrasting lists are arguably the most poignant part of a 134-page report on Harvard University’s four centuries of ties to slavery and its legacy. The report by a committee of Harvard faculty members, released on Tuesday, is Harvard’s effort to begin redressing the wrongs of the past, as some other universities have been doing for decades. As part of the process, the university’s governing corporation has pledged $100 million in part to create an endowed “Legacy of Slavery Fund” that would allow scholars and students to bring Harvard’s connections to slavery into the light for generations to come. Experts said the amount of money Harvard was committing for such a project was rare, if not unprecedented for an educational institution. It rivals the $100 million pledged by leaders of the Jesuit Conference of priests for racial reconciliation and to benefit descendants of enslaved people at Georgetown University. The report calls for spending the money on a multitude of tracks: By tracing the modern-day descendants of enslaved people at Harvard. By building memorials and curricula to honor and expose the past. By creating exchange programs between students and faculty members at Harvard and those at historically Black colleges and universities, and by collaborating with tribal colleges. And by forging partnerships to improve schools in the American South and the West Indies, where plantation owners and Boston Brahmins made their intertwined fortunes on the backs of the enslaved. A plaque attached to Wadsworth House at Harvard honors four enslaved people who had been owned by and worked for university presidents. The recommendations are somewhat vague, purposely so, Harvard officials said, so that more care can be put into fulfilling them. Some descendants of the enslaved said talks had already begun to figure out how they could work together. Legacies of slavery persisted at Harvard, and throughout American society after the Constitution and laws officially proscribed human bondage. Such legacies, including racial segregation, exclusion, and discrimination, were a part of campus life well into the 20th century. |
AuthorRodney. L. Hurst, Sr. Archives
June 2024
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